Ruyton Girls School Annual Report 2013 - page 17

Weekly Sport
Junior A Hockey– Zone winners
Carnival Sports
Cross Country team –Winner GSV Division 1 Championship
Cross Country team –Winner State All Schools
Cross Country team –Winner State All Schools Road Relays
Cross Country team –Winner State All Schools Cross
Country Relays
Track and Field team - Winner GSV Division 1 Championship
Individual achievements
Three students were selected /qualified for GSV
Representative teams
Eleven students were selected /qualified for the State team
in one sport
Four students were selected /qualified for the State team
in two sports
One student was selected /qualified for the State team
in three sports.
Parents of Ruyton (POR)
The POR is all about community building and developing
new friendships within the School community while
supporting our girls in their education and extra-curricular
activities, and organising social events for both parents and
students. Ruyton is unique with regard to the extraordinary
level of support it receives every year from its parents, and
this year was no exception!
We sincerely thank our POR Committee Members, Sub–
Committee Chairs, Year Level Representatives and the many
volunteers for continuing to be a part of the support
groups that make up this very successful network. These
support groups put on events, assist teachers and raise
funds to support their activities and our girls. These include
FORDA (Drama), FORMA (Music), FOREST (Sustainability),
and the sporting clubs, FORSA (Sport), FRET (Equestrian)
Ruyton Athletics Inc, Ruyton Saturday Netball, Ruyton
Gymnastics, Ruyton Aquatic Club Inc, and Henty Rowing.
Questers (Craft) are busy all year organising stalls for Easter,
Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day, among other activities.
The POR also run three very valuable services, including the
Second Hand Uniform Sales, Second Hand Book Sale and
our Ruyton Babysitting Register with the help of some very
dedicated parents.
The Year Level Representatives organised a huge array of
events to welcome new families into the Ruyton
Community, including events to introduce the new girls
to one another before School commenced for 2013. Many
families opened their homes for morning teas and drinks
parties. There were also dinners, lunches, tours of art
galleries, golf days and movie nights. Once again we
supported The Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea across
all year levels.
Our thanks are extended also to the large number of
parents who give up their mornings many times a year
to assist Lime Catering at the Courtyard Café.
Throughout the year the POR hold several events: the
Welcome Cheers and Tears Coffee morning, Mothers’ Day
Breakfast, Fathers’ Day Breakfast,Welcome to New Parents’
Cocktail Party, Ruyton Readers, Junior School Disco, the
Ruyton Golf Day (for the men only) and our Volunteers’
Thank You Cocktail Party. The Ruyton Luncheon was a huge
success, in most part due to the dynamic, entertaining
and informative guest speaker, our very own Ms Sushi Das.
The Ruyton Ball was spectacular. Held at the Peninsula,
Docklands, 303 guests enjoyed beautiful food and wine
and danced the night away to the popular group, Popcorn.
Funds raised from the event have been allocated to
Ruyton’s new Master Plan. Three Digital Parenting
Workshops were introduced in third term, which provided
insightful forums to help parents keep pace with the ever
changing and challenging cyber-world.
Looking to next year, preparation is well underway for the
Ruyton Fair to be held on Sunday 23 March.
It would be impossible to list every parent of Ruyton who
has, in some way, assisted in one or many of the above
groups and activities. Our vision for the future direction
of the Ruyton POR is to continue to nurture and develop
the ongoing involvement of our Ruyton Parents in the
many opportunities available for them to embrace the
Community spirit that is Ruyton.
The POR are eternally grateful to the ongoing support from
our Ruyton parents, our Principal, Ms Linda Douglas and the
staff of the Ruyton Development Office, Ms Tonya Peters,
Mrs Marilyn Rouhard, Mrs Anne Sciberras and Mrs Elizabeth
We continue to encourage parents to support the Ruyton
Community and thank you all for a wonderful year.
Mrs Susie Sutherland and Ms Fabiola Mazzocco,
Co-Presidents POR
Annual Report 2013
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