Ruyton Girls School Annual Report 2013 - page 3

reintroduction of Citizenship Awards in the Senior School,
with girls being recognised for their citizenship qualities
and initiative.
Ruyton girls are well known for their high level of
engagement in co-curricular activities. This is
particularly evident this year in the number of girls
who have participated in choirs, ensembles, debating,
drama performances, and sporting commitments.
This engagement strengthens their sense of belonging,
individual risk taking and endeavour, and builds
opportunities for friendships across the year levels.
As a community we respect and value the important role
of the Arts in educating our girls and young women.
Through the Arts their minds, senses, emotions and their
souls are educated and challenged. Ruyton girls have had
a multitude of opportunities to express themselves
creatively through both the Visual Arts and Performing
Arts. In November the Annual Muse Art Exhibition
showcased the amazing array of talent across the School
and highlighted exceptional VCE work.
Junior and Senior School students have had the opportunity
to strengthen their performance skills through a variety
of student productions, with the highlight being the
professional Ruyton/ Trinity Musical Production of
and Dolls.
The annual Performing Arts House Festival
(PAHF) was a spectacle of creativity and resourcefulness,
emphasising the spirit of Ruyton, the strength of our
traditions and the way in which our girls work collaboratively
and creatively. Congratulations to all Houses and to the
Year 11 girls for their leadership and co-ordination of this
event. Year 9 and 10 girls took part in the Interschool
Theatre Festival. This was organised by Ruyton staff,
providing an important opportunity for schools to perform
and share their creative thinking processes and production.
The Ruyton student performance explored the theme of
human greed and consumerism and left a lasting
impression on the audience.
Music is an essential part of the Ruyton experience, as
featured in Junior and Senior Assembly each week, and
in the many concerts, soirées and recitals, in addition to the
classroom programme. This year we enjoyed the first ever
Large Ensembles Concert as well as the ever popular Vocal
Concert, with both events showcasing the amazing depth
of musical talent at Ruyton.
Sporting results have been excellent, once again, and some
highlights include the Track and Field and Cross Country
teams, with both gaining Girls Sport Victoria (GSV) Division
1 victories. The 2013 Cross Country team enjoyed their
eleventh successive overall victory at the State Cross
Country Championships and State Road Relays. In addition,
our swimmers finished second in the GSV Division 1
Championships, our highest-ever placing, and a strong
reflection of the increasing skill level of our girls and the
focused training and coaching programme. To complete
a year of Ruyton personal best performances, our rowers
won their first ever medal at National titles, with a Bronze
medal in the Schoolgirl Coxed Quad Scull, in what can only
be described as a breathtaking finish.
In 2012 the Digital Learning Vision and five year Digital
Learning Strategy were developed, clearly stating our focus
to engage, inspire and transform learning and teaching at
Ruyton. Four main pillars emerged as the basis of the plan:
Learning Focus Areas, Key Technologies, Professional
Learning, and Management/ Infrastructure. There has been
a significant review and overhaul of the network
infrastructure, in order to meet the goal of creating a stable
and reliable network. This has included an upgrade of all
optical fibre links, a new optical fibre link to the internet via
AARNet, a new firewall to support the higher speeds now
available, a replacement of all network switches, an
upgrade and extension of the server room and more than
doubling the number of wireless access points across the
campus. As this work was being completed the ICT
Committee carried out a Digital Devices Review with
recommendations to the Board. As a result, from the start
of 2014 we will be putting in place a new digital learning
environment for students with improved technology
infrastructure, hardware and devices, teacher training and
support. This learning environment will be led by the
introduction of iPads and MacBook Airs from the start of
the 2014 academic year.
As part of our Professional Learning Programme all staff
have explored 21st century learning, the ISTE NETS and the
Australian Curriculum ICT General Capability. Through the
establishment of the role of Digital Learning Mentor
(Senior School and Administration), one-on-one and
on-demand digital learning support has been available to
Senior School staff throughout the year. A Digital Learning
Mentor (ELC and Junior School) has been appointed to
commence in 2014. This year Ms Robyn Treyvaud, Digital
Learning consultant, worked with the Executive and key
learning staff to plan programmes in preparation for 2014.
As a member of the Generation Safe Global network
Ruyton has continued to navigate the realities of the digital
world. This year there has been a focus on developing
programmes and strategies that ensure digital integrity at
Ruyton. As part of this work, Cyber Safe Kids and Parents of
Ruyton presented a series of workshops designed to
educate parents about living with and using digital media,
and how to engage positively with daughters about digital
Annual Report 2013
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