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As part of our Digital Strategic Plan the Library has been a

centre for change and for collaboration. Students and staff

have been able to communicate, connect and collaborate

through a range of social media and focus group activities.

The library catalogue is now searchable outside of the

School, providing links to a rich collection of online resources.

Recognising the power and opportunity of collaboration an

eBook consortium has been established with Mentone Girls’

Grammar School and has been recognised by the School

Library Association of Victoria, naming Mrs Julie Purcell and

Mr David Feighan fromMentone as joint recipients of the

School Library Association of Victoria’s Innovator’s Grant

2014. At Ruyton our Library is truly seen as a place of

engagement, where members of our community meet to

connect, plan, research, collaborate and dream; a place where

learning is valued, celebrated and enhanced.

We welcomed Dr Michael Davies as the 10th Headmaster

of Trinity Grammar School this year and are pleased that

the Ruyton-Trinity Co-ordinate Programme continues to

thrive as an important part of the opportunities offered by

both schools.

Our Junior School staff have continued to develop their focus

on inquiry based learning as a leading pedagogy for our

Junior School students. Mrs Nicole Ginnane, incoming Head

of Junior School, joined us at the commencement of Term 2

2014 and her expertise and experience in this area has been

advantageous.This work has also included development of a

new and unique Year 4 curriculum to focus on the needs of

pre-adolescent girls as they discover their place in the

community as active citizens, able to make a difference.We

particularly thank Ms Tanya Cockwill and Ms Cate Hallpike,

Year 4 teachers, for their work in leading this development.

Junior School Staff have worked in collaborative teams with

leading experts in the field, while the ELC staff have been

exploring the place of digital learning to support student

learning and make it more visible.The ability of students to

document their learning experiences and to reflect

personally has been noticeable.The employment of Mr

Julian Mutton, Digital Learning Mentor for Junior School/ ELC

this year, has significantly advanced this work, providing

strong support for our staff, students and parents.We look

forward to Mr Brett Moller, joining us in 2015 as Director of

Digital Learning, a whole School leadership position.

This year Chinese was introduced at Year 3 to ensure that all

Junior School students experienced an Asian and European

Language programme prior to making their language choice

for Year 5. In 2015 Chinese will be extended to Year 4. In

addition to this programme the French Department has

successfully implemented French club, an after school

programme for Year 3 students in 2014, to enable a degree of

language maintenance for those students who may already

know they want to study French in Year 5.With Chinese and

French reading programmes and the introduction of La

Petite Bibliotheque our girls have a rich additional language

experience in the Junior School.

The Learning Enrichment and Achievement Programme

(LEAP) in Year 7 and 8 provides a unique opportunity for our

girls to develop skills to equip them for learning in a

changing world through an interdisciplinary approach.

Review of the programme this year has seen the introduction

of a focus unit on Growing Up Digital.This programme will

continue to evolve and meet the changing needs of our girls

as learners and citizens of their world.

Personalised learning continues to be the central tenet

guiding our professional learning programme with staff

continuing their learning and honing their expertise in

relevant areas. In addition to focusing on inquiry based

learning, digital learning and differentiating learning

all teaching staff at Ruyton undertook a Collaborative

Inquiry research project to explore how digital tools could

be used to personalise learning.The sharing across the

School and ongoing learning from this work by the staff

has been significant.

Ruyton girls are well known for their high level of

engagement in co-curricular activities.This is particularly

evident again this year in the number of girls who have

participated in choirs, ensembles, debating, drama

performances, and sporting commitments.This engagement

strengthens their sense of belonging, individual risk taking

and endeavour, and builds opportunities for friendships

across the year levels.

As a community we respect and value the important role

of the Arts in educating our girls and young women.

Through their involvement in Performing Arts and Visual

Arts Ruyton girls have had a multitude of opportunities to

express themselves creatively this year; challenging their

ability to generate ideas, problem solve, adapt, communicate,

imagine, create, curate, co-operate and take risks. In both

curricular and co-curricular experiences our girls have the

opportunity to explore Arts in the wider community, through

excursions, artists in residence programmes, practical

workshops and competitions.

In the Visual Arts this year many of our students explored

the theme Arts for Peace, examining the importance of

promoting cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and social

cohesion. In November the Annual Muse Art Exhibition

showcased the work of students in the School, from ELC to

the exceptional VCE work produced by our Year 12 students,

emphasising the importance of exhibiting work. For the first

time student awards were presented at the Opening of the

Annual Report 2014